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Custom Beauty Med Studio

Best MedSpa in Capitol Hill

Best MedSpa in Capitol Hill: We’ve Done the Homework, and Here’s How to Choose

You’d think your choice would be easy, since there are quite a few medspas now. But, there’s a lot to consider when looking for the best services while also making sure they’re safe.

Use this guide to the best medspa in Capitol Hill, and you’ll be on your way to amazing results whether you’re getting dermal fillers, laser hair removal, or other services. 

Make Sure the MedSpa Has a Medical Professional Onsite

Certain treatments like Botox cannot be legally administered without a medical license. Your safest bet is to choose a medspa with a licensed medical professional onsite. 

Consider Quality Over Quantity

You’ll encounter medspas that offer a laundry list of every treatment available, and that’s great but it’s not ideal. Instead of finding a medspa that does everything, choose one that has carefully curated the treatments they offer.

This indicates they’ve given real thought to what is best for their patients and they’ve dedicated time to proper training for those services. 

Take Time to Look at the Medspa Environment

While not all treatments are exactly pleasing, the best medspa in Capitol Hill certainly should be. You are looking for cleanliness, sterile conditions, comfort, and privacy.

Botox injections are a lot easier to handle in a calm, pleasant environment! 

How the staff treats you matters too. You should be greeted warmly, and the team should be willing to answer all your questions in a friendly manner. 

Find Out What People Are Saying

One great way to find out about a medspa is to read reviews. Online review sites with verified patient reviews and social media pages are excellent sources of information. As a word of caution, you should know how to spot fake reviews too. 

You’ll Find the Best MedSpa in Capitol Hill at Custom Beauty Med Studio!

Custom Beauty Med Studio was created because Chelsea Samo-Lipman, PA-C saw a need for men and women to receive high-quality, affordable treatments. Chelsea is an expert in her field with a commitment to your safety and making sure you achieve amazing results. 

No matter your needs, we have a procedure that can be customized to reach your goals. For questions about our services or to book your appointment, call us at 202-410-1199 today!