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Radiesse in Capitol Hill, Washington DC

Radiesse in Washington, DC

As we get older, our bodies naturally produce less collagen. This affects the strength, structure, and elasticity of the skin, which often leads to fine lines, wrinkles, volume loss, and skin laxity. What if you could reverse these changes and enjoy a more youthful look with a simple injection? Radiesse does just that!

Radiesse is an FDA-approved dermal filler that works as a collagen stimulator. After it’s injected into the skin, the treatment adds volume to the treatment area while also encouraging the body to ramp up collagen production. Once the body absorbs and metabolizes the compound, you’re left with younger looking skin!

Why Choose Radiesse?

Radiesse is a biostimulator dermal filler, which means it goes beyond cosmetically enhancing the skin. By addressing the leading cause of fine lines and wrinkles (collagen loss), this treatment provides amazing results that get better over time.

Sessions can be completed in under an hour, and you can get right back to normal activities afterward. Radiesse can be used on the face and hands to smooth unwanted wrinkles.

Does Radiesse Hurt?

Injections are typically pain free and usually take no longer than 15 minutes. While you may feel a slight pinching or burning sensation, it lasts for just a few seconds.

Your practitioner can apply a numbing cream to ensure you’re totally comfortable.

When Will I See Radiesse Results?

Radiesse is extremely fast-acting. Your skin will look smoother and more voluminous within one to three days. Significant results appear within seven to 10 days, with final results appearing within four to six weeks.

Radiesse is a long-lasting dermal filler, and most patients enjoy their new rejuvenated look for more than a year!

Where Is the Best Place to Go for Outstanding Results From Radiesse in Washington, DC / Northern VA?

If you want to look younger and boost your confidence with a quick, non-invasive procedure, book Radiesse injections at Custom Beauty Med Studio. 

Aging may be inevitable, but that doesn’t mean that you should just settle for fine lines and wrinkles.

Begin your skin transformation journey and become another Custom Beauty success story by calling us today at 202-410-1199 to schedule a consultation!


Natural looking lips is our goal, producing beautifully elegant lips is our specialty!


Relaxing  wrinkles across the forehead, crows feet, or around lips or mouth can be done painlessly!

Skin Tightening

Sagging skin can be reduced for the face, neck, and chest with Morpheus8 laser technology.

Body Contouring

Burning fat cells, building muscle strength and tightening the skin on the body are achievable with Emsculpt!

Non-Surgical Solutions

Volumize Lips

Lift Cheeks

Longer Lasting Botox

Reduce Facial Laxity

Neck Tightening

Jawline Contouring

Non-Surgical Liposuction

Hair Loss Treatments

Non-Surgical Facelift

Dissolving Dermal Filler

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