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Custom Beauty Med Studio

3 Treatments Recommended by the Top Skin Tightening Specialist in Capitol Hill

3 Treatments Recommended by the Top Skin Tightening Specialist in Capitol Hill

Nothing short of divine intervention can completely stop the effect the natural aging process has on your skin. But, technology can slow it down thankfully!

Here, you can learn about Morpheus8 and other revolutionary treatments recommended by the best skin tightening specialist in Capitol Hill.

Collagen and Elastin are Key Players in the Appearance of Your Skin

There are two proteins necessary for healthy, supple skin – collagen and elastin. You start off with an abundance of these essential components, but they decrease as they age.

When this happens, you start to notice fine lines and wrinkles as well as sagging skin. Fortunately, with the expertise of a great skin tightening specialist in Capitol Hill, you can take action!

What Treatments Does the Top Skin Tightening Specialist in Capitol Hill Suggest to Tighten My Skin?

Here is the really good news. Any one of the following procedures can treat various skin concerns including, but not limited to, acne, acne scarring, broken blood vessels, discoloration, and in some cases even stretch marks!

When you schedule your appointment with a reputable provider, be sure to ask about:

  • Microneedling: Small sterile needles are used to create a controlled injury to the top layer of your skin. The healing process encourages the production of collagen and elastin and triggers cell regeneration. When it comes to fighting sagging skin, this is a tried and true ally.  
  • Morpheus8: This advanced form of traditional microneedling and radiofrequency (RF) waves reaches deeper layers of skin. It safely works on multiple areas including the face, neck, chest, and abdomen. All-over youthfulness? Yes, please!
  • IPL: Intense pulsed light therapy, or IPL, is similar to laser therapy but instead of one wavelength of light, IPL produces many wavelengths at once. It works its magic by delivering heat to the second layer of skin to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin without causing damage to the first layer.

Custom Beauty Med Studio Offers Everything You Need to Restore Youthful Skin!

Whether you want the best skin tightening available or the highest quality skincare products designed to enhance your results, you have come to the right place.

Contact us at 202-410-1199 to book your consultation today!