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Custom Beauty Med Studio

Fast-Working Botox Washington DC

Before You Get Fast-Working Botox in DC for the First Time, Read This

Ready to get fast-working Botox in DC to put an end to the crow’s feet, 11s, or other dynamic wrinkles showing up?

Then you need to know just how soon you can expect to see results and how long they last. 

This Is What You Should Know Before You Get Fast-Working Botox in DC

It’s no surprise that everyone wants to get fast-working Botox in DC, as our fast-paced culture is used to instant gratification. But just how fast can Botox even work?

What you need to know is that it takes this remarkable injectable as little as one to four days to show improvement. It takes up to 14 days to fully take effect, so be patient over the following two weeks as the active ingredient is working behind the scenes to reverse the signs of aging.

How Long Does Botox Last?

There are a number of factors that affect longevity, including your metabolism and whether you are a smoker. Another important variable is whether you have had Botox injections before.

If this is your first time getting botulinum toxin injections, you may notice the effects wearing off by the end of the second month. However, the average is three to four months for those who have had Botox before. As you continue with injections, you may find that your results last up to six months before maintenance is necessary.

Another Factor in Botox Longevity Is Choosing an Experienced Injector

By seeking out a reputable and qualified injector, you can make sure your outcome lasts as long as possible. Injecting Botox even the slightest bit too deep or too low can make a big difference in terms of how well the product works and how long it lasts.

Choose Unmatched Skill and Experience by Choosing Custom Beauty Med Studio

Call us today at 202-410-1199 to book your consultation with DC’s top injector!

Here at Custom Beauty Med Studio, we stay up to date with the latest techniques including baby Botox, and you can always count on our expertise for the longest lasting results possible!