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Custom Beauty Med Studio

What Is Hyperdilute Radiesse in DC?

What Is Hyperdilute Radiesse in DC? Here’s What You Should Know

The amazing dermal filler Radiesse works wonders in its ability to both give you immediate results as well as progressive improvement long term.

Lately, talk about hyperdilute Radiesse has been buzzing. But, just what is hyperdilute Radiesse in DC?

What Is Hyperdilute Radiesse in DC Exactly?

Hyperdilute Radiesse is an innovative technique that utilizes Radiesse in an extremely diluted form. Mixed with a larger volume of a sterile solution such as saline before injected, the hyperdilute method reduces the concentration of calcium hydroxylapatite, the active ingredient in Radiesse, while still harnessing its collagen-stimulating properties.


One of the primary benefits of hyperdilute Radiesse is its ability to improve skin texture, elasticity, and overall quality. The diluted formula is strategically injected into the targeted area, which may include the face, neck, décolletage, or hands.


Once injected, it stimulates collagen production, a crucial protein responsible for skin’s firmness and suppleness. Over time, the increased collagen production leads to a gradual improvement in the skin’s tone and texture, resulting in a more youthful and refreshed appearance.


Hyperdilute Radiesse is a versatile treatment that can address various cosmetic concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and even acne scars. It is favored by those seeking a natural looking enhancement without the need for more invasive procedures.

The effects of hyperdilute Radiesse are often subtle and progressive. This treatment is well tolerated by most individuals, with minimal downtime and a low risk of adverse reactions. This makes it a very attractive option for those looking to rejuvenate their appearance.

Where Can You Find Top Dermal Filler Injection Techniques? Right Here at Custom Beauty Med Studio!

What is hyperdilute Radiesse in DC? Let Chelsea Samo-Lipman, PA-C give you first-hand experience to see for yourself.

Call us today at 202-410-1199 to book hyperdilute Radiesse cosmetic injections to subtly enhance your natural beauty!